Saturday, 6 December 2014

Free For All Friday: How to talk to new people

In the spirit of my Random Acts of Kindness Advent Calender I thought I would compile a list of ways to start a conversation with a stranger.

Obviously, you don't want to go around grinning and looking like the crazy person off the bus just walking up to random folk on the street. But sometimes a few words to someone in the shop, or queue at the bank is enough to brighten their day.

You will never truly know what is happening in someone else's life and just a few kind words could be enough to turn their day around. Sometimes even just a smile will do.

1. In a queue?: I love your scarf/hat/bag, where did you get it? a great one for starters.

2. In a book shop: Have you read this? Is it any good?

3. A bright and breezy 'hello' with a smile does wonders.

4. Don't worry about what the outcome may be. It really doesn't matter, but reaching out to new people is never a bad experience.

5. Try and make a person laugh. I'm not talking about a full on comedy routine with added slapstick. But if something goes horribly wrong

6. Find out if you have anything in common. So many people have similar hobbies that you would never normally place together but that one thing is what binds them.

7. Swallow your pride and just go for it. If you don't try you don't know.

8. Don't forget to make eye contact. You will be able to tell how receptive a person may be to your 'advances'.

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