1. Make a family time capsule and bury it in the garden (or hide it in the loft).
2. Have a baking day, nothing says Autumn to me like the smell of baking. Apple pies, rock buns and parkin all hold special memories.
3. Go for a night-time walk and see what stars you can spot (there are apps that can help with this).
4. Board game tournament, winner stays on.
5. Movie marathon, pjs and duvet optional.
6. Start a craft project. Crochet/knit a blanket, mug hug. Try this blog for ideas torontoknitcafe
7. Drink hot chocolate at sunset, at the beach
8. Make a family 'Bucket' List. For ideas visit dazeofadventure.com
9. Tell spooky stories. here
10. Wrap up warm and go for a walk kicking though the autumn leaves.